Start Here

We want to help make your first experience with Starting Line Church a great one! Whatever emotions, thoughts, or feelings you may have about church, we want you to join us!

Gathering Times

On Sunday mornings, we gather at The 8820 Event Center at 10:00 am. If you can’t make it, the message is posted online every Monday at 10:00 am.

What Can I Expect In Person?

We want to make sure that you feel confident and comfortable gathering with Starting Line Church for the first time!

Sunday gatherings last about an hour and that hour is spent hearing announcements and updates on what’s happening at church, singing songs together (check out our Spotify playlist) with lyrics on a screen, listening to a 15-20 minute message from the Bible, and having the opportunity to respond in some way afterwards. Throughout your time with us, there are many opportunities to meet our staff, visit The Hub for more information, and get to know other people who attend!

What about my kids?

We believe that kids are a crucial part of the world today, not just the future of it! Because of that, we value gathering multi-generationally, but we also want to give kids a space for them to grow on their own. For the first part of our Sunday gatherings, kids stay with their families as we engage in worship together as a group. Then during the message, kids break off into their own space with some of our background-checked team members!

Let Us know You’re coming!

We want to make sure your experience with SLC is a great one! Let us know you’re coming and we’ll make sure we’re ready for YOU!